

Precision Medicine Oriented Knowledge Graph

PrimeKG is a precision medicine-oriented knowledge graph that provides a holistic view of diseases. It integrates 20 high-quality resources to describe 17,080 diseases with 5,050,249 relationships representing ten major biological scales, including disease-associated protein perturbations, biological processes and pathways, anatomical and phenotypic scale, and the entire range of approved and experimental drugs with their therapeutic action.

PrimeKG supports drug-disease prediction by including an abundance of ’indications’, ’contradictions’ and ’off-label use’ edges, which are usually missing in other knowledge graphs. We accompany PrimeKG’s graph structure with text descriptions of clinical guidelines for drugs and diseases to enable multi-modal analyses.

View the PrimeKG Website


Evaluating Explainability for Graph Neural Networks

GraphXAI is a resource to systematically evaluate and benchmark the quality of GNN explanations. A key component is a novel and flexible synthetic dataset generator called ShapeGGen that automatically generates a variety of benchmark datasets (e.g., varying graph sizes, degree distributions, homophilic vs. heterophilic graphs) together with ground-truth explanations that address all known pitfalls of explainability methods.

View the GraphXAI Website

Physical Activity Monitoring Dataset

Dataset for Irregular Time Series Research

We are developing representation learning techniques for complex time series dataset. In the Raindrop study (ICLR’22), we introduced a graph-guided network for irregularly sampled multivariate time series. The study includes a processed sensor dataset recording daily living activities of individuals.

View the Physical Activity Monitoring Dataset

Population-Scale Patient Safety Dataset

Adverse Events of Medications across Patient Groups and the Entire Range of Human Diseases and Approved Drugs

We present a comprehensive catalog of 10,443,476 adverse event reports (involving 19,193 adverse events and 3,624 drugs) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS), collected from January 2013 to September 2020. The new resource can help discover relationships between drugs and safety events, especially in cases of rare events and effects within population subgroups that differ in their risks of specific clinical outcomes and are disproportionately affected by preventable inequities.

View the Patient Safety Dataset

Subgraph Datasets

Datasets for Subgraph Representation Learning Research

We design novel synthetic and real-world social and biological datasets, consisting of underlying base graphs and many labeled subgraphs. These datasets are ready to be used for benchmarking, systematic model evaluation and comparison.

View the SubGNN Website

Therapeutics Data Commons

Machine Learning Datasets and Tasks for Drug Discovery and Development

TDC is the first unifying framework to systematically access and evaluate machine learning across the entire range of therapeutics.

At its core, TDC is a collection of AI/ML-ready datasets and learning tasks to serve as a meeting point for domain and ML scientists. TDC also provides an ecosystem of tools, libraries, leaderboards, and community resources, including data functions, strategies for systematic model evaluation, meaningful data splits, data processors, and molecule generation oracles. All datasets and learning tasks are integrated and accessible via an open-source library.

View the TDC Website


Stanford Biomedical Network Dataset Collection

BioSNAP is a collection diverse biomedical networks, inclusing protein-protein interaction networks, single-cell similarity networks, drug-drug interaction networks.

BioSNAP datasets contain metadata on graphs and node features, and can be easily linked to external repositories of biological knowledge.

View the BioSNAP Website

Fair Graph Datasets

Graph datasets comprising of high-stakes decisions in criminal justice and financial lending domains

Graph datasets comprise of critical decisions in criminal justice (if a defendant should be released on bail) and financial lending (if an individual should be given loan) domains. These attributed graphs contain sensitive/protected attributes, which makes them suitable for studying algorithmic fairness.

View the NIFTY website


The Open Graph Benchmark

OGB is a collection of benchmark datasets, data loaders, and evaluators for graph machine learning. Datasets cover a variety of graph machine learning tasks and real-world applications.

The OGB data loaders are fully compatible with popular graph deep learning frameworks, including Pytorch Geometric and DGL. They provide automatic dataset downloading, standardized dataset splits, and unified performance evaluation.

View the OGB Website

Disease pathways

Disease pathways overlaid on the human interactome

View Disease Pathway Dataset

Multimodal cancer network

Multimodal network centered on genes frequently mutated in cancer patients

The multimodal cancer network integrates information on chemicals, diseases, molecular functions, genes, and protein.

The dataset has 21 types of biologically meaningful associations (edge types): chemical-chemical, chemical-protein, disease-chemical, disease-disease, disease-function, disease-gene, function-function, gene-gene (split into 6 edge types by interaction type), gene-protein, protein-function, and protein-protein interactions.

The network has 20 K nodes and 3.4 M edges.

View the Multimodal Cancer Network

Giga-scale biological network

The giga-scale biological network is one of the largest networks ever constructed in biology. The network integrates protein and genetic interaction data from more than two thousand species.

The network has 10 M nodes and 2.3 B edges.

View the Giga-Scale Biological Network

Tree of life

Protein interactomes across the tree of life

The dataset contains protein interactomes from 1,840 species across the tree of life. The dataset contains rich metadata about proteins, including their homology relationships

The dataset also contains metadata about species, including taxonomy of species, phylogenetic reltionships, and ecological information on environments and habitats in which species live.

View the Tree of Life dataset

Polypharmacy network

Network of drugs, proteins, and side effects

The polypharmacy network is a highly multi-relational network, consisting of protein-protein interactions, drug-protein targets, and drug-drug interactions encoded by polypharmacy side effects.

The network has 20 K nodes and 5 M edges, which are split into 1 K distinct edge types.

View the Polypharmacy Network

Tissue-specific protein dataset

The dataset contains protein-protein interaction networks specific to 107 human tissues, a tissue hierarchy of anatomical relationships between tissues, and tissue-specific gene-function annotations.

View the Tissue-Specific Protein Dataset

Human knowledge network

The human knowledge network contains interactions between proteins, diseases, biological processes, side effects, and drugs.

The network has 98 K nodes and 8 M edges, which are split into 42 distinct types of biologically relevant molecular interactions.

View the Human Knowledge Network

Latest News

Jul 2024:   Digital Twins as Global Health and Disease Models of Individuals

Paper on digitial twins outlining strategies to leverage molecular and computational techniques to construct dynamic digital twins on the scale of populations to individuals.

Jul 2024:   Three Papers: TrialBench, 3D Structure Design, LLM Editing

Jun 2024:   TDC-2: Multimodal Foundation for Therapeutics

The Commons 2.0 (TDC-2) is an overhaul of Therapeutic Data Commons to catalyze research in multimodal models for drug discovery by unifying single-cell biology of diseases, biochemistry of molecules, and effects of drugs through multimodal datasets, AI-powered API endpoints, new tasks and benchmarks. Our paper.

May 2024:   Broad MIA: Protein Language Models

Apr 2024:   Biomedical AI Agents

Mar 2024:   Efficient ML Seminar Series

We started a Harvard University Efficient ML Seminar Series. Congrats to Jonathan for spearheading this initiative. Harvard Magazine covered the first meeting focusing on LLMs.

Mar 2024:   UniTS - Unified Time Series Model

UniTS is a unified time series model that can process classification, forecasting, anomaly detection and imputation tasks within a single model with no task-specific modules. UniTS has zero-shot, few-shot, and prompt learning capabilities. Project website.

Mar 2024:   Weintraub Graduate Student Award

Michelle receives the 2024 Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award. The award recognizes exceptional achievement in graduate studies in biological sciences. News Story. Congratulations!

Mar 2024:   PocketGen - Generating Full-Atom Ligand-Binding Protein Pockets

PocketGen is a deep generative model that generates residue sequence and full-atom structure of protein pockets, maximizing binding to ligands. Project website.

Feb 2024:   SPECTRA - Generalizability of Molecular AI

Feb 2024:   Kaneb Fellowship Award

The lab receives the John and Virginia Kaneb Fellowship Award at Harvard Medical School to enhance research progress in the lab.

Feb 2024:   NSF CAREER Award

The lab receives the NSF CAREER Award for our research in geometric deep learning to facilitate algorithmic and scientific advances in therapeutics.

Feb 2024:   Dean’s Innovation Award in AI

Jan 2024:   AI's Prospects in Nature Machine Intelligence

We discussed AI’s 2024 prospects with Nature Machine Intelligence, covering LLM progress, multimodal AI, multi-task agents, and how to bridge the digital divide across communities and world regions.

Jan 2024:   Combinatorial Therapeutic Perturbations

New paper introducing PDGrapher for combinatorial prediction of chemical and genetic perturbations using causally-inspired neural networks.

Nov 2023:   Next Generation of Therapeutics Commons

Oct 2023:   Structure-Based Drug Design

Geometric deep learning has emerged as a valuable tool for structure-based drug design, to generate and refine biomolecules by leveraging detailed three-dimensional geometric and molecular interaction information.

Oct 2023:   Graph AI in Medicine

Graph AI models in medicine integrate diverse data modalities through pre-training, facilitate interactive feedback loops, and foster human-AI collaboration, paving the way to clinically meaningful predictions.

Zitnik Lab  ·  Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Science  ·  Harvard  ·  Department of Biomedical Informatics