Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling


The Fellow will work in a multi-disciplinary team of machine learning scientists, informaticians, biostatisticians and clinicians led by Dr. Marinka Zitnik and Dr. Alexander Turchin on projects involving development of predictive models in medicine leveraging temporal and longitudinal data. Explainable AI models will be based on data from a large integrated healthcare system and will utilize a combination of artificial intelligence and natural language processing of multiple narrative document streams.


Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School


We seek a highly motivated individual with background in deep learning and / or large-scale knowledge graphs and / or large language models; experience working with large datasets, ability to design and conduct effective research studies; strong analytical, scientific writing, presentation and communication skills; strong programming and system development skills; working knowledge of deep learning frameworks, such as PyTorch; and working knowledge of SQL.

Experience with predictive modeling, natural language processing, medical terminologies and ontologies is a strong plus. Successful applicants will be strong technically as well as have an inclination towards real-world problems.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in computer science, statistics, biomedical informatics, computational biology or a closely related field.

Application process

The position is available immediately and can be renewed annually. Interested applicants should submit the following documents via email to Dr. Alexander Turchin and Prof. Zitnik and use the subject line “Postdoctoral Fellowship in Machine Learning / Predictive Modeling”:

  • Curriculum Vitae (please include links to your academic webpage and any software you developed, e.g., GitHub repositories)
  • Two representative publications (preprints are acceptable)
  • Statement of Research (2 pages) describing prior research experience and future research plans

Letters of recommendation will be solicited after the initial review. We are currently reviewing applications for this position. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible.

Harvard is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Latest News

Jul 2024:   Digital Twins as Global Health and Disease Models of Individuals

Paper on digitial twins outlining strategies to leverage molecular and computational techniques to construct dynamic digital twins on the scale of populations to individuals.

Jul 2024:   Three Papers: TrialBench, 3D Structure Design, LLM Editing

Jun 2024:   TDC-2: Multimodal Foundation for Therapeutics

The Commons 2.0 (TDC-2) is an overhaul of Therapeutic Data Commons to catalyze research in multimodal models for drug discovery by unifying single-cell biology of diseases, biochemistry of molecules, and effects of drugs through multimodal datasets, AI-powered API endpoints, new tasks and benchmarks. Our paper.

May 2024:   Broad MIA: Protein Language Models

Apr 2024:   Biomedical AI Agents

Mar 2024:   Efficient ML Seminar Series

We started a Harvard University Efficient ML Seminar Series. Congrats to Jonathan for spearheading this initiative. Harvard Magazine covered the first meeting focusing on LLMs.

Mar 2024:   UniTS - Unified Time Series Model

UniTS is a unified time series model that can process classification, forecasting, anomaly detection and imputation tasks within a single model with no task-specific modules. UniTS has zero-shot, few-shot, and prompt learning capabilities. Project website.

Mar 2024:   Weintraub Graduate Student Award

Michelle receives the 2024 Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award. The award recognizes exceptional achievement in graduate studies in biological sciences. News Story. Congratulations!

Mar 2024:   PocketGen - Generating Full-Atom Ligand-Binding Protein Pockets

PocketGen is a deep generative model that generates residue sequence and full-atom structure of protein pockets, maximizing binding to ligands. Project website.

Feb 2024:   SPECTRA - Generalizability of Molecular AI

Feb 2024:   Kaneb Fellowship Award

The lab receives the John and Virginia Kaneb Fellowship Award at Harvard Medical School to enhance research progress in the lab.

Feb 2024:   NSF CAREER Award

The lab receives the NSF CAREER Award for our research in geometric deep learning to facilitate algorithmic and scientific advances in therapeutics.

Feb 2024:   Dean’s Innovation Award in AI

Jan 2024:   AI's Prospects in Nature Machine Intelligence

We discussed AI’s 2024 prospects with Nature Machine Intelligence, covering LLM progress, multimodal AI, multi-task agents, and how to bridge the digital divide across communities and world regions.

Jan 2024:   Combinatorial Therapeutic Perturbations

New paper introducing PDGrapher for combinatorial prediction of chemical and genetic perturbations using causally-inspired neural networks.

Nov 2023:   Next Generation of Therapeutics Commons

Oct 2023:   Structure-Based Drug Design

Geometric deep learning has emerged as a valuable tool for structure-based drug design, to generate and refine biomolecules by leveraging detailed three-dimensional geometric and molecular interaction information.

Oct 2023:   Graph AI in Medicine

Graph AI models in medicine integrate diverse data modalities through pre-training, facilitate interactive feedback loops, and foster human-AI collaboration, paving the way to clinically meaningful predictions.

Zitnik Lab  ·  Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Science  ·  Harvard  ·  Department of Biomedical Informatics